
How To Relieve Stress

10 WAYS TO RELIEVE STRESS (ALMOST) INSTANTLY PRACTICE DEEP BREATHING  This one is one of my personal favorites, you will have to take  a deep breath in. Now let it out. You may notice a difference in how you feel already. The technique in which you breathe is a powerful tool to ease  stress  and make you feel less anxious. 
HOW TO SEE THE GOOD IN EVERYTHING do you ever wonder Why We See Things Differently From Others?   I believe that we have to go through certain obstacles in order to get a better understanding of life. These obstacles will humble our hearts and make us stronger as humans. Like, losing a family member through suicide. I know that is a harsh example but for me that is how it all started. I lost my sister in law who left two beautiful babies who I am learning to be a mommy to. It has taught me enough this past year, and I am grateful for it. I hope that these tips help. Also let me know if you know of any other tips by leaving a comment down below, I'd love to know of more.  CHOOSING TO LOOK FOR THE GOOD Understand that what you are going through is only getting you prepared for the future. Look for positive intentions and aspects. Remember that there are pros and cons to everything.  They say you become the person who you hang around with. Good people ...